- Mesh Slicing with a saber
- Real Physic Gun Recoil With Gun Overhead effect and functionality
- Drone Follow Mesh Formation With Deformation based on random Values
- Wave System Based on Static Timeline to give each player same experience since it is an arcade mode
- Gun Ability System That changes the Guns recoil bullets and damage
- Game Ability System Slow Motion and Rage Mode
- VR Gun And Shield interaction
- Git Repo Handling
- Managed a team of 2 to 5 team
- Task Handling
The Lift
- Converted the game from single player to Multiplier (Gameplay)
- Managed a team of 2 to 3 people
- Play testing and launching in the arcade playground
- Optimized the environment to work over 90FPS in VR
- Transition between 2 Gameplay
- Controllable play area using splines
- Easy controls for the player
- Managed a team of 2
- Editor script that would help to optimize level design and increase gameplay FPS with network handling
- Drone Formation That can be reused in any other game
- Gameplay implementation and level design
- VR calibration with physical gun and seat
- Modular Leaderboard UI implementation Which is added to all other games
operation b
- Prototyping Gameplay + RnD with multiple features
- Timeline and Path functionality
- Optimizing Gameplay
- Leaderboard Implementation
mach 6 rocer
- Prototyping Gameplay + AI functionality
- Optimizing with artists for the environment and cars
- Steering wheel integration Thrustmaster + Logitech
Hexa looper
- Maintaining and optimizing gameplay and machine integration
- Play testing
- Machine Prototyping
- Leaderboard Implementation
cryo capsule
- Technical Consulting for the project
Pixoul recon
- Play testing and Minor machine integration
- Bug reports
- Leaderboard Integration
Common Tasks
Finalizing all projects that are late on the deadlines and reaching the Project owner’s desired vision.
Tutoring and guiding all junior developers.
Leading multiple projects with a team between 2 to 5.
Guiding Artists, Animators, and Sound Engineer to get the best practices for the games in Unity 3D
Game Designer
Technical Lead: Patrick Baroud
Project Manager/ Game Developer: David Moussa
Senior Game Developer: Robert Bechara, Harout Boyajian
Game Developers: Firas El Jerdy, Hassan Khazaal
Junior Developers : Adrian Boutros, Joe Abi Nassif, Daniel Jreije
Game Designer
Ahmad Al-Natsheh
Sissko Imad
3D modeler: Purag Khandjihanian, Charbel Makhlouf, Jawdat Nahed, Raya Farhat, Marc Mazraani
Architecture: Shadi Osta, Said Chaalan, Nour El Srouji, Dalia Al Bohou
Rahif Sleiman